A teacher, philosopher and economist
Kautilya Arthashastra English
Kautilya's Arthashastra is an ancient Indian text written by Chanakya, offering practical recommendations for governance, economics, and statecraft. The book is divided into 15 books, covering a range of topics such as taxation, law enforcement, military strategy, and diplomacy.
One of the key themes of the Arthashastra is the importance of good governance and efficiency in leadership. It emphasizes the need for moral and ethical behavior in governance, offering guidance on establishing and maintaining effective systems of government.
The Arthashastra also offers insights into economic policy, including trade and commerce. It highlights the importance of creating a strong and stable economy as a foundation for a prosperous state.
Despite being an ancient text, the Arthashastra remains relevant today and is a valuable resource for policymakers and leaders seeking to build effective systems of government and create a strong and stable economy.

Every neighbouring state is an enemy and the enemy’s enemy is a friend.

In the absence of a magistrate dandadharabhave the strong will swallow the weak but under his protection, the weak resist the strong.

Dharma is law in its widest sense- spiritual, moral, ethical and temporal. Every individual, whether the ruler or the ruled, is governed by his or her own dharma. To the extent that society respected dharma, society protected itself; to the extent society offended it, society undermined

Before you start some work, always ask yourself three questions - Why am I doing it, What the results might be and Will I be successful. Only when you think deeply and find satisfactory answers to these questions, go ahead.
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